What We Do

Building Awareness:

Our regular events may include Info Sessions, Garden Gatherings and the Community Produce Swap Table at the Kyneton Farmers’ Market. We also participate in other community events and network with community groups and individuals. We have been involved in the Kyneton Daffodil & Arts Festival, the Kyneton Agricultural Show, the Malmsbury Fayre and Macedon Ranges Sustainable Living Festival.

We are very happy to meet you at these events to exchange ideas on peak oil, climate change, building community, sustainable living and related issues.

If you would like to find out more about what we do or have some ideas for new initiatives, we would love to meet you over a coffee at 10.30 am Friday mornings at Hamster Cafe (5 High St, Kyneton).

Working Groups:

If you have a particular interest in gardening, food, transport, renewable energy, the arts, or any other  aspect related to developing community strength, then we would love to hear from you.

Of course, we know we are not working alone on these issues as we already have a strong community as well as many businesses and community groups working toward the same ends. So if you would like to talk to us about your role in business or community we would appreciate your experience, wisdom and advice.

Our key working group interest is in the area of sustainable food and food production.